It's all about YouTube

Couple of weeks ago I was fortunate enough to spend the whole day at the SHOWDOWN tattoo shop on 10727 124 St NW, Edmonton. That is the second Showdown location. Crew was so welcoming and nice, it’s always fun to meet other tattooers😍

From 80s to 90s, from Edmonton skate scene to 2000s tattoo apprenticeships, Justin McGee aka Getsometats has seen it all😍 Justin brought us closer to his life as a skateboarder back in the day and tattooer for the last 15 years. He's got so many cool stories, I could listen to him for hours. Maybe one day we will do seven hour version of this thing 😅

Next interview is already in works! Be the first one to watch, check my Patreon account and keep an eye out❤️‍🔥

New YouTube Video

Hello 😍

One of my dreams is to work on a comic book, preferably cool adventure series with fantasy elements. But I’m not picky 😅

Realised that even though i currently don’t have enough time for a project that big, not to mention skills and that I don’t know anything about working on a comic book….one still can dream….and draw🐸

New video on my YouTube channel is all about drawing the first panel of a comic book page. That’s why “part one” is in the title, I’m planning to finish the whole page soon. Enjoy 🙌

Tattoo Diary / New Studio

Hi everyone😍

Since August, when studio manager Bobby hired me, I’ve been waiting to see the Showdown studio (Edmonton, Alberta) and meet new teammates.

The day has come, I felt so nervous and out of place. You have to remember, I worked alone since 2015. I’m used to a very different environment, that’s for sure. At the moments I felt like I’m dreaming, just a few weeks ago I was tattooing back in Serbia at my own private studio. The shock toned down after just couple of days, it helped that the crew was so nice and welcoming🤘🐸

Covenant / Sketchbook

New sketch is up on Patreon, if you want to support my work and in return get a bunch of my sketchbook scans, click the button and join my community. For only 3$ US (per month) you will be able to see and download over 20 PDFs.

Of course, you can cancel any time😉 and there’s a free option as well 🙌❤️

From -40 to +5

In just a few days temperatures went from super cold -40 to beautiful +5, that’s Edmonton for you all😅❤️. Sonja and I had to take advantage of the Sun and go out for a walk. You can’t walk and not carry a camera. Especially when you have small FujiFilm XE-4 with pancake lens. That thing is so small and light that it’s travesty leaving it home on the shelf. Black and white is my game, at this point it feels weird when I switch to color.

That’s it, hope you will enjoy these photos, talk to you soon.
Have a wonderful rest of the week🏕️


Goodbye / New Video

Hello everyone!

My wife and I were in the middle of moving to Canada so I couldn’t dedicate myself to you completely. That’s why I needed to pause things for just a little bit, skip a month until I settle down and start working again. Here’s the last video filmed in our studio, Tattoo Spot Chicken Leg.

Leaving this place was so hard….my heart is broken 💔 but adventurous were waiting and we had to make some hard decisions.

Love you all✨


Working on yourself means constantly exploring, searching…the right knowledge, the right tool. I have been using HEROPEN 3.5mm for the past year. One month since the purchase I have stopped tattooing with other machines. This pen is so light and versatile that immediately changed my perspective and tattoo style. Now, a year later I wanted to explore new opportunities with 4mm stroke and the only solution was to get another HEROPEN.



Due to a lot of work and personal stuff I won’t be able to post new video and sketch. Billing on Patreon is paused until next month when I would have enough time to fully dedicated myself. Thank you again for all of your support and see you soon, love you all🍁



Why is so hard to go home after a long day working? I’m just standing here and watching this place. I know I’m coming back tomorrow but…

Doing My Part

Couple of months ago I heard one sentence while listening to The Verge podcast. Since then, the idea lives in my head rent free and It goes something like this: “We are going to revolutionize the media with blog posts”. I really love that and I want to do my part.
Social media geography is changing and it feels scary when some of the platforms were our home for years, and now some of them are just gone. Some of them are locking features behind paywalls and ghosting our posts. Having website is more important than ever. its crucial to have place for your own work and ideas that no one can intervene and take .

Like I said, I really love that idea and I want to do my part🐸



When you have a tight schedule and you don’t have a lot free time every second counts. Don't get me wrong I love tattooing, I would go that far and say: I live and breathe tattooing. But that doesn't mean that I don't love and enjoy other things like photography, drawing, writing, working out, singing in the band...

With these glimpse of my life I wanted to bring you even closer❤️



As you noticed on start, I spend my free days walking around and taking photos. Last two years black and white was how I shoot. This summer I wanted to switch it up a bit and have some fun. For taking these photos I used my FujiFim XE 4, Fujinon XF 27mm pancake lanse, and “Vintage Analog“ Fujifilm recipes from FUJI X WEEKLY website. Hope you will enjoy them.

YT Update

Draw With Me / Storm

Storms are cruel and dangerous but there’s something about them, about those unstoppable things. I could just watch clouds and rain for hours. I feel so small compared to forces of nature. And that’s scary but comforting in a way. It’s not always about you and what you want, sometimes controlling things is just not possible.

New video is up on YouTube, feel free to check it out.


Next YT Video

Next YouTube video is already in the works. I'm constantly filming and thinking about what's the next thing. I don’t wanna jump on trends and chasing views. I'm just thinking about how to express myself and how to improve my skills. This video will be all about my day off, what do I do when I don't tattoo😅
Support me on Patreon and be the first want to watch.


FreeHand Tattoos

Last few months I have been working on my freehand portfolio. For a long time I wanted to take that direction but lack of courage kept me from taking these kind of projects. Finally I just stop letting my fear get in a way and start making my dreams come true. These are just a couple of ones but a lot more is coming soon 🔜 

Tattoo Spot Chicken Leg / 8th Birthday

Omg, eight years already😱

Thank you again and again for believing in us and supporting our dreams! You are the best❤️

Here are a few shots from our birthday party 🥳